With the current advanced technology in online security, most internet users might not suspect anything when they put their private information online. This is especially true for big companies like Google and Microsoft. You might be able to trust them with your personal and private data since they have the best online security encryption for their platforms. However, the problem arises when you use the online services from other smaller, less well-known companies.
Some companies out there are still using the average security encryption system for their platforms. While you might not suspect anything, their platforms might be weak enough for hackers to attack them. This has been proven time and time again with various security breaches that are caused by hackers in the past few years. They target companies with weak security systems so that they can steal the private information of their users. So, what can you do to prevent it? Here are 5 ways to prepare your online privacy against online threats:
1. Protect All Your Devices From Possible Attacks

One of the most common mistakes people make when they try to protect their online privacy is to focus on just one device, which is their primary device. But, protecting your online privacy needs to be done thoroughly for your system, not just partially. Whatever device that you use, no matter how seldom you use it, it can be a target of a privacy attack by hackers or other third parties. So, each device needs to be protected from possible attacks.
If you are planning to install some security tools, software, or apps to protect your privacy, be sure to cover all your devices. In this way, you will leave no chance for any privacy breach to occur.
2. Renew And Strengthen Your Passwords Regularly
Many people don’t care about the importance of changing their passwords regularly. Despite many online service providers trying to remind their users to change their passwords regularly, many people don’t bother to do it. Lots of people are still using the passwords that they created 3-5 years ago in the same online services. This can be very dangerous for their privacy.
Your passwords are the keys to access your online accounts where you store your private information, so you have to take care to replace and strengthen your passwords regularly. It is a good idea to use a password manager software to keep things simple and organized.
3. Make Sure To Give Your Private Information Only To Trusted Companies
Nowadays, there are hundreds of websites that will try to hook you up into their platforms on a daily basis. Most websites today will require you to make an account with them in order to be able to access their services. The problem with it is that you need to enter your personal information on various websites around the internet which you might end up losing track to.
When asking to enter your private information online, be sure to do it only with the websites that you can really trust. Make sure that the company behind such a website has a good track record of protecting the user’s privacy and security.
4. Encrypt Your Internet Connection All The Time
Aside from installing security software or apps on your devices, you also need to protect your network system from any possible breach. This is because when the hackers are able to get hold of your network system, it will be easy for them to find holes to enter your system via your breached network. So, it is important for you to encrypt your internet connection all the time.
With VPN, you can do this. You can turn any public network or ISP network into a private network. Having a private network means that you can keep your network traffic protected all the time. You can mask your IP address and DNS address with another IP location to keep your real information from being exposed online.
5. Always Have A Firewall In Place
The best way to prevent your system from being hacked is to install a firewall in your system. There are many good firewall systems that are available on the market today, which you can use to protect both your desktop and mobile devices. Firewalls protect you from direct attacks from hacker, preventing them from accessing or breaching your system on the first attempt. With a good firewall system, coupled with a good VPN, your system can be kept protected against various threats that may lurk around during your online activity.
Those are the 5 ways to prepare your online privacy against online threats. Remember that there are so many possible threats that you can face online. If you are careless, you might be the next victim of online identity theft. So, be sure to follow the advice given here to keep your information safe online.