5 Online Tools You Can Use To Improve Your Online Privacy And Security

With lots of problems related to online security and privacy these days, as well as more and more restrictions being applied to the internet, it’s natural that people will try to protect their online privacy and security even more. This is because many internet service providers and the governments in various countries are no longer truly respect the privacy of the internet users. But, the good news is that there are still an abundance of online tools that you can use to enhance your privacy and security during your online activity.

More and more security companies and non-profit organizations are providing the ways to deal with the current state of internet openness and freedom. There are lots of tools being created simply to help users gain their internet freedom back and keep their online activity private to themselves. Here are 5 online tools you can use to improve your online privacy and security:

1. Private Email Addresses

If you communicate a lot using emails, then you should know that many free email addresses that are available today are not too private for you. Sometimes, companies like Google and Microsoft will monitor your email address, and even display relevant ads in your emails. It means that they use your email data to analyze your email patterns so that they can display the relevant ads in your email. Since they are the companies that put profits above user’s privacy, they have the privacy policy that is not quite beneficial for their users. The alternative of the regular email addresses that you can use is the private email provider, such as Tutanota. The private email provider will not monitor your emails and it keeps all your emails private and secure.

2. Private Search Engines

It’s the same with the search engines that you use. Search engine providers like Google and Microsoft will always monitor the way you use the search engines. Whatever keywords that you type into the search engines will be recorded and used for the purpose of the company’s growth. The more you use the search engines, the more they will know your personality, your habits, your preferences, and so on. There are alternative search engines that you can use instead. Choose the search engines that don’t keep the log or monitor your search habits like DuckDuckGo, which is known as one of the best free private search engine providers available. There are also paid search engines that guarantee your privacy and security.

3. Browsers With Built-in VPN

The Tor browser and other browsers that have built-in private network installed will help you browse the internet safely and securely. You will be able to keep your browsing anonymous, and also, you will be able to surf the web without any restrictions. There are quite a lot of browsers with built-in VPN available, whether for the desktop or mobile devices, and you can use them safely because they are usually funded by non-profit organizations that don’t rely on ads to keep the browser development going. This is unlike the regular browsers like Chrome and Edge that are a part of a money-making scheme of their companies.

4. Privacy Add-ons

Even though you are using the regular browsers like Chrome, Edge, or Firefox, you can always make your browser more private by installing some privacy add-ons to your browser. For instance, you can install an ad-blocking add-on that will help to block third-party ads that are displayed on your browser, as well as stopping them from tracking and monitoring your browsing habits. There are also extension-based VPN services that are good enough to be used on your browser. Another excellent privacy tool is the DNS changer that you can install on your browser to help change your DNS addresses and make your browsing activity more private.

5. Premium VPN Software

A good privacy tool that you should consider using is the premium VPN software. This is the privacy tool that will protect the privacy and security of not only your browsers or email addresses, but the whole system that you have. When you install this software on your device, you will be able to encrypt all the data transmissions that are done within your system, as well as making the internet traffic anonymous. It also has the firewall protection to prevent hackers from penetrating your system so that you can ensure that all your important files are safe and secure.

Those are the 5 online tools you can use to improve your online privacy and security. While the internet freedom is becoming less and less available in many countries, it is important for you to have the tools ready in your arsenal to keep your internet freedom intact. You can use these online privacy tools to protect your basic online privacy and security rights and withdraw yourself from the scheme of global mass surveillance.